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Kennismaking met 'Harry'

Who is Harry ? The readers from the forum of the Dutch Honda CX-500 club know. Harry is Gea's CX 500, the successotr of 'Het Lel'. And 'Het Lel' is the trouble-giving CX that was disassembled and except in the memories, lives on in many different CX-es in Holland. Gea got Harry from 'old Harry' and got his name from there.

Harry has a mind of his own. Most of the times he behaves gentile and easy, but sometimmes he has a bad mood and won't cooperate. On a nice and sunny saterday Gea took Harry for a ride. Harry started the ride good, but later on he lost power. Harry didn't want to ride anymore.

Before the day was over some wise man had suggested solutions, and offered help. This is the CX-club , you know, where everyone tries to keep those old CX-es rolling.
There are better mechanics than me needed to bring some spirit into Harry, I know. But nevertheless I looked up Gea's adress, and that sunday-afternoon I took my own CX, the not so well known "rode rakker", and went towards Gea and Harry.

Exit Ede, to Apeldoorn, takeing the N304. The same road I did, when I was CX-er for just a couple of weeks, on my way to my first the SJK rally. A lot happende since then. My riding skells had improved, altough my style still best is discribed as 'conservative'. Specialy on the highway, where traffic is intense, i'm not feeling good. But on that N304, with the sun shining over the tree-tops it was wonderfull. I passed Apeldoorn, and drove trough Vaassen.; There I had a choice. Trun left, over the same road I did months ago, or strait on, where the sign said "Zwolle - A50" . A short hessitation, with slow turning engine. Then a dicision. I had done some stretches of highway before, and this must be possible also. And a few minutes later I rode on the A50 to Zwolle/Kampen.

My brother told me once, highway is for speed, small ways are for relexation. He's right. I could keep track with the other traffic, and even some trucks were passed without problems, but I found out that 105-115 is enough for me and my CX. Concentratation is the key here.

... uiterwaarden ...

Where the A50 becomes the N50 I drove straith on, toeards Kampen. And at Kampen i took the wrong exit, into the old town. It took a while before I found my way out of the endless maze of one-way streets, but then I was on the right way. The bridge over the river IJsel offered a breathtaking vieuw across the river, that had flooded the winterbed. No place to stp and take a photo. Later mayby....

... harry ...

The village where Harry stand in the streets, and Gea lives was easy to find. Slowly I drove trough the street, searching for the house-number. Ah! A little to far, I turn back and there, under that cover, that must be Harry. On the sound of a CX in the street someone in the house listened. Gea recoqnized a CX, and that inher village ? Before I stopped she oppened her door, and looked with astonishment who could it be, on that unknow CX, under that helmet......

... harry ...

After getting acquainted, wich was supported bi9y a cup of coffee, it was time to look at Harry. Harry is a black CX500a, complete with a Vetter full fairing, cases and a add-on navigation sytem. Harry can use a cleaning job, real7y. But my own CX didn't look spotless as wel.
The earlyer suggested diagnoze sounded very beleiveble, and I hoped the best for Harry and Gea. If I had some more time that we could test the theory that the petrol flow was the cause of Harry's problems, by switching the "rode rakker's" tank with Harry's. To bad, so little time, and so much to do......

... dyke ...

... view ...

At the dike, after a warm goodbye to Gea, I stopped for a photo, and a vieuw across the river. Anf then it is time for the trip bachk to home. And from the start at Kampen until the exit Ede on the A1 I rode all the time over the highway. I admit, I was in a kind of hurry, but also decided that it was time. N50, A50, and than A1 until the exit Hoenderloo, and at last the so familiair N304 until Ede. Even riding on the highway becomes more and more natural again........

Post script I

A week after I visited harry and Gea Marcel looked at the reluctend Harry. Marcel diagnosed Harry, after a thourough examination. According to Marcel it was Harry's stator that was malfunctioning. Not a very pleasant news for Gea, but there is still hope for Harry !

If Only Marco hadn't been on holiday..................

Post script II

A week later Harry was stil not right. Gea wanted to ride, Harry refused. Treats were being made, that if Harry kept on acting as 'Lel II', Gea would buy another motor.... And she did. To Harry's astonishment Gea bought a red Honda Deauville 650. Harry was absolete. A CX-club member took Harry home, and now his fate is very uncertain............

And Gea? Gea drives happily around on her beautifull 'Red Rocket'.

... Gea's 'Rocket' ...

Post script III

Arno had taken Harry home. Not to repair , but to disassemble. After a few days he opened the engine, and found a broken camshaft. Not a typical CX failure. But enough to take Harry out.

... broken camshaft ...
Photo by Arno L.

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